Frequently Asked Questions, Hints & Tips

lower-white curve

Joining Aqua Babies

At what age can I bring my baby to classes?
How do I book and pay for a course?
Are your teachers qualified and what insurance do you hold?
Does my baby need to have completed immunisations before we begin swimming?
How long is a course?
What does my baby need to wear in the water?
What changing facilities are available?
Do I need to be able to swim myself?
When should I feed my baby before class?
What if my baby is unwell?

Aqua Babies Members

How do I log onto my parent hub?
How do I log an absence and book a catch-up class?
How do I book my next course?
Will my course be at the same time for the next term?
Can I move class to an alternative day or pool?
I am going to miss a class, is there anything I can do?
Can I take photos and video at class?
How do I get an underwater photo of my baby?
My baby/toddler is unhappy at class at the minute, what do you recommend?
I’m due another baby next term, can I continue classes?

What our Customers say...

“I just wanted to say that we really appreciated the (free) Extra Classes. They have made a massive difference in just a few weeks and Oliver is back to being confident and happy swimming...


“My daughter Grace Allen used to come to Timperley on a Saturday afternoon for lessons and left in February after completing her 5m. Grace started a new swimming class in March where she...

Philippa Allen with Grace

“I think Aqua Babies is a wonderful swimming class for young children and my daughter has definitely benefited and have recommended Aqua Babies to all my friends. Your website is very cle...

Ruth Ryan – Mother to Isobel Wells

“I just wanted to write and tell you how brilliant Helen has been with my daughter Gizelle Robinson-Wedd in the ‘Next Steps’ course at Oldham. At first, Gizelle was very unsure and nervou...

Charlotte Wedd with Pre-schooler Gizelle

“Can I thank you for the excellent classes I have been attending for the last 2 years with both of my children, Alexander and more recently Alisdair. I have had Sue teach throughout for b...

Craig Jack with sons Alexander and Alisdair