
lower-white curve

Christmas Duck Competition

15 Nov 2018


Join our Christmas competition to have a chance to win a free course!

We are raising money for two charities:

  • SPOONS (a neonatal family support charity)
  • The Birches School physiotherapy department

To join in purchase an Aqua Babies duck from your teacher for £5 either in cash or sign for a card payment to be taken.

Design your duck with a Christmas theme and bring it to class between 10th and 16th December.

Your teacher will take group photos for our Facebook page (not a requirement just for fun please only join in the photo if you are happy for us to use it).

Each teacher will choose a finalist.

Finalists win a set of Peppa Pig figures

From the finalists an overall winner will be chosen.

This winner receives a free Aqua Babies course!

Ducks are £5 with all profits going to our chosen charities